Please refer to my Google Scholar profile for a more comprehensive list of papers. This is a list of selected publications grouped by topic, with many downloadable from here. This was last updated circa 2016.
Also refer to QUT eprints for institutional copies of journal papers from 2015 onwards (and USQ eprints for papers prior to this).
Support for early career teachers
How can we provide better support for early career teachers? What kind of support are teachers currently receiving? What role can and should online communities play in teacher support?
Kelly N. (2019). Why do teachers leave the profession? Nick Kelly Research Notes, 1: 1-3 [pdf]
Kelly, N., Russell, N., Kickbusch, S., Barros, A., Dawes, L., & Rasmussen, R. (2018). Online communities of teachers to support situational knowledge: A design-based study. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 34(5). [here]
Kelly N. and Antonio A. (2016). Teacher peer support in social network sites, Teaching and Teacher Education, 56: 138-149 [here][institutional copy]
Clara M., Kelly N., Mauri T. and Danaher P.A. (In press) Can massive communities facilitate collaborative reflection? Fractal design as a possible answer, Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, DOI: 10.1080/1359866X.2015.1095280 [here][institutional copy]
Kelly N., Clara M. and Kickbusch S. (2015) How to develop an online community for pre-service and early career teachers, ASCILITE 2015, Perth [here]
Kelly N., Reushle S., Chakrabarty S. and Kinnane A. (2014) Beginning teacher support in Australia: Towards an online community to augment current support, Australian Journal of Teacher Education 39(4) [pdf]
Kelly N. and Fogarty R. (In press) An integrated approach to attracting and retaining teachers in rural and remote areas, Journal of Economic and Social Policy: Special issue on Digital Rural Futures [pdf]
Kelly, N. (2013) An opportunity to support beginning teachers in the transition from higher education into practice, ASCILITE 2013 [pdf]
Understanding creativity in design
How do designers change their conception of what they are doing whilst they are designing? How can computer models navigate their own knowledge about the world in a way that is inspired by what we see in human creativity?
Kelly N and Gero JS: In press, Generate and situated transformation as a paradigm for models of computational creativity, International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation
Kelly N and Gero JS: 2015, Situated interpretation in computational creativity, Knowledge-Based Systems [pdf][institutional copy]
Kelly N and Gero JS: 2014, Interpretation in design: Modelling how the situation changes during design activity, Journal of Research in Engineering Design [pdf]
Kelly N and Gero JS: 2012, Computational modelling of the design conversation as a sequence of situated acts, in T Fischer, K De Biswas, J Ham, R Naka and W Huang (eds), Beyond Codes and Pixels Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2012, Hong Kong, pp.121-130
Kelly N, Gero JS and Saunders R: 2011, Constructively interpreting floor plans, CAADRIA 2011, Newcastle University, Australia
Analysing group learning
Thompson K, Kennedy-Clark S, Wheeler P and Kelly N: 2104, Discovering indicators of successful collaboration using tense: automated extraction of patterns in discourse, British Journal of Educational Technology
Thompson K, Ashe D, Carvalho L, Goodyear P, Kelly N and Parisio M: 2013, Processing and visualizing data in complex learning environments, American Behavioral Scientist – Special Issue on Learning Analytics, 57(10), pp.1401-1420
Thompson K, Kennedy-Clark S, Kelly N and Wheeler P: 2013, Using automated and fine-grained analysis of pronoun use as indicators of progress in an online collaborative project, CSCL 2013
Thompson K and Kelly N: 2012, Processes of decision-making with adaptive combinations of wiki and chat tools, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Sydney, Australia
Thompson K and Kelly N: 2012, Combining collaboration spaces: Identifying patterns of tool use for decision-making in a networked learning environment, in V Hodgson, C Jones, M de Laat, D McConnell, Thomas Ryberg and Peter Sloep, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Networked Learning 2012, Maastricht
Jacobson MJ, Markauskaite L, Kelly N and Stokes P: 2012, Model based learning about climate change with productive failure: Preliminary findings, Proceedings of the American Educational Research Association 2012, Vancouver, Canada
Markauskaite L, Jacobson MJ and Kelly N: 2012, Using process analysis techniques to understand students’ learning strategies with computer models, Proceedings of the American Educational Research Association 2012, Vancouver, Canada